Connect Telegram Bot

This short tutorial will guide you through the process of connecting Telegram Bot to Amio. In order to start messaging on Telegram you need to have an existing Telegram Bot.


Don't have a Telegram Bot?

Create it! Telegram has a bot for that, and the whole process takes less than a minute.

Connecting a Telegram Bot to Amio requires only a few simple steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. In administration, go to Channels.
  3. Click on Add New Channel to start a wizard which will lead you through the channel creation.
  4. Select Telegram.
  5. Enter your Telegram Bot's Token. The Token is a unique authentication key that was assigned to your bot upon creation. It looks something like 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs. If you need to regenerate the token, follow this Telegram tutorial.
  6. Click on Connect.

And that's it! Your Telegram channel is ready to use now.

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