Quick Replies

Quick Replies are buttons with a set of pre-defined short replies that appear above the user input, making the keyboard less important. When a button is tapped, the message is sent as a text and you'll receive it to your webhook. The buttons are dismissed as soon as the user taps one or replies with own text.

Quick Replies can be attached to any Message type in the content.quick_replies attribute.

  "channel": { ... },
  "contact": { ... },
  "content": {
    "type": "...",
    "payload": "...",
    "quick_replies": [
      { "..." },
      { "..." },
      { "..." }
quick_repliesarray of objectsHolds a list of up to 11 objects of Text Quick Reply type.

Text Quick Reply

Text Quick Replies show buttons with text and optionally a small image icon. Each button can also hold a developer-defined payload, which is invisible to the user but can be used for automated processing. When the user taps on the button, it fires Message Received webhook with text and developer payload if specified.

"quick_replies": [
    "type": "text",
    "title": "Pilsner Urquell",
    "type": "text",
    "title": "Heineken",
type*stringMust be set to text.
title*stringButton title with limit of 20 character; longer text gets truncated.
payload*stringDeveloper-defined payload with limit of 1000 character. This payload is delivered back together with title as a text message in Message Received webhook.