
Developer-defined metadata can be sent with any type of Message. They are delivered back in Message Echo webhook.

  "channel": { ... },
  "contact": { ... },
  "content": { ... },
  "metadata": {
    "any": "arbitrary data"


Reserved metadata keywords

platform_metadata - Metadata to be sent directly to Facebook Messenger API, see Platform Metadata below.
tag - Facebook Messenger allows to send messages with tags, see Message Tags documentation.

Platform Metadata

Facebook Messenger API has its own concept of metadata. You can send metadata as a string with any message, see Facebook Messenger API documentation. Amio API reserves platform_metadata keyword to be mapped to original Facebook Messenger metadata attribute.


You can use platform_metadata attribute to send metadata directly to Facebook Messenger API. This can be received by other programs listening on the same Messenger account but not using Amio API.

  "channel": { ... },
  "contact": { ... },
  "content": { ... },
  "metadata": {
    "platform_metadata": "these data are going to be sent directly to Facebook Messenger API as metadata attribute"
platform_metadatastringPlatform specific metadata to be sent directly to Facebook Messenger API as a metadata attribute, see Facebook Messenger API documentation. Max size 1000 characters.