Get Channel

Response Body Params

idstringId of the channel.
typestringChannel type specifying the underlying platform: facebook_messenger.
namestringName of the channel.
modestringMode of the channel.
webhookobjectWebhook object specifies the entry point to which all events are delivered. It is null if there is no webhook set. See Webhooks for more details.
webhook.idstringId of the webhook.
webhook.urlstringWebhook url.
webhook.secretstringSecret token for securing received webhook calls, see Webhook Security for more details.
webhook.ssl_verificationstringSpecifies whether to verify SSL certificates or not. Setting this option to false is not recommended.
facebook_pageobjectRepresents a facebook page connected to the channel. You can send and receive message only If facebook page is connected.
facebook_page.idstringId of the connected page.
facebook_page.namestringName of the facebook page.
facebook_page.categorystringCategory of the facebook page.
facebook_page.access_tokenstringLong lived facebook page access token with required permission.